
When was DAVIDsTEA founded?

DAVIDsTEA was founded in 2008.

Where is DAVIDsTEA incorporated?

DAVIDsTEA is incorporated in Canada.

Where is DAVIDsTEA's corporate headquarters?

5430, Ferrier St., Town of Mount-Royal, Québec, Canada H4P 1M2

Who are the members of DAVIDsTEA's Board of Directors?

You can view our Board of Directors by visiting the "Board of Directors”section of our website.

Who are the members of DAVIDsTEA's management team?

You can view our management team by visiting the “Leadership” section of our website.

When is DAVIDsTEA's fiscal year-end?

The last Saturday of January.

Who is DAVIDsTEA's independent registered public accounting firm?

Ernst & Young LLP

On which exchange is DAVIDsTEA listed and what is the ticker symbol?

DAVIDsTEA is traded on TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol “DTEA.”

When did DAVIDsTEA go public?

DAVIDsTEA went public on June 5, 2015.

Who is DAVIDsTEA's transfer agent?

DAVIDsTEA’s transfer agent is AST.

How can I get a copy of your Annual Report or any other investor materials such as an Investor Relations kit or 10-K?

Quarterly & Annual Reports and other investor materials, when available, can be found in “Quarterly Results” in the “Financial Info” of the “Investor Relations” section of our corporate website. Additionally, all SEC filings can be accessed directly from the SEC at www.sec.gov, and the Autorité des marchés financiers on www.sedar.com.

Where can I find recent DAVIDsTEA press releases?

You can view our recent press releases by visiting the “News” section of our website.

Who can I contact if I am a member of the media?

For media inquiries please send an email to pr@davidstea.com

How do I contact Investor Relations with a question or request?

For investor related questions please send an email to investors@davidstea.com.

How can I sign up to receive DAVIDsTEA's press releases and other company information?

Please visit the “email alerts” page in the Investor Relations section of our corporate website and fill out our web form to be added to our distribution list.